Shelter for All

In partnership with the New York City Department of Homeless Services and AIA New York, Fellows will visit shelters, interview stakeholders and draft guidelines. How can we use programming and design to transform these places into community assets?
On April 16, we were joined by Commissioner Steven Banks and the 2018 Forefront Fellows to present original ideas on addressing New York City’s homelessness crisis.
On February 19th the Homelessness in the Public Realm team led discussion around how New York City can make its public realm more inclusive.
Homelessness exists not because the system is not working but because this is the way it works.
On November 27, the Supportive Housing team gathered experts to explore creative ways to site new supportive housing buildings in a time of unprecedented resource availability.
On October 16, the Prevention team explored an increasingly worrisome trend in New York City: the emergence of the prison-to-shelter pipeline.
About Forefront

Forefront is an annual professional fellowship dedicated to cultivating emerging leaders in urban design, development, policy, and advocacy. Each year, an interdisciplinary cohort of 25 Forefront Fellows investigates how design can address a social or political challenge facing New York City.