Stacy Passmore reflects on the Africa Rising conference and the widening dichotomy between the glossy vision of Africa’s future and the informality that defines its urban reality.
Posted — July 18, 2012
While the Museum of the City of New York celebrates 200 years of the Manhattan grid in its current retrospective, Stanton Eckstut recalls how he did things differently in Battery Park City.
Posted — June 14, 2012
Diana Balmori shares her recent work in Sejong, Korea and New York City and reflects on our changing understanding of urban nature.
Posted — February 15, 2012
Will a tech campus accomplish just what Philip Johnson and John Burgee’s 1969 plan could not—endow the island with an identity beyond a clever housing scheme and integrate it into the everyday lives of New Yorkers?
Posted — February 9, 2012
Stacy Passmore shares plans for Anam New City, a planned community in eastern Nigeria that aims to strike the right balance between rural and urban.
Posted — December 19, 2011
Urban design was charged with elevated responsibility as the towers tragically fell on September 11, 2001. Ten years later, Vishaan Chakrabarti, Alex Garvin, and Peter Walker reflect on the Ground Zero's reconstruction.
Posted — December 5, 2011