We’re proud to announce our new website, urbandesignforum.org.
Designed and developed by Partner & Partners, our site presents our fellows, events, proposals, and publications on a more flexible and accessible platform. With the introduction of topics, you can now see the relationships between our fellows, events and ideas in areas ranging from arts and culture to parks and public space.
Our Fellows are at the heart of every one of our projects. We’re pleased to show off a few of our newest and most dedicated and cite your participation in each of our latest initiatives. Can’t find your name? Let us know what you have been working on!
We’re drumming up support to revive the Urban Design Review, our journal exploring the most critical issues confronting our cities. We look forward to hosting debates in real time, presenting groundbreaking case studies, and sharing your work and ideas.
While we are only able to present our most recent work from the outset, keep checking back as we dig through our archives. We’ll start from day one: the pioneering First National Conference on Urban Design, held in 1978 at the newly unveiled Citicorp building in Midtown Manhattan.