Our inaugural Forefront class spent the past year meeting with Carto, Intersection, Kickstarter, Sidewalk Labs, and NYU CUSP to discuss how smart city technology is changing the way we experience and build cities. We are excited to publish the cohort’s proposals, ideas and critiques on design in the digital era.
Congratulations to our inaugural class of Forefront Fellows for their dedication and hard work. We look forward to their input in the Forum for years to come!
Economic Development ↓
Link to Innovation or Gentrification Express?
Lena Afridi
The New Manufacturing Sector: Made for All New Yorkers?
Nolan Levenson
Will the Era of Automation Establish a New Living Wage?
Sabina Uffer
Housing ↓
What does Smart Home Tech Bring to You?
Henry Grabar
Aging Better with Technology
Lindsey Realmuto
Housing Resilience Through Adaptability
Jessica Mathew
Mobility ↓
Should the City Boost Private Transit Technology to Serve Red Hook?
Corinne Kisner & Erin Lonoff
Red Hook Link: A Proposal
Eugenia Di Girolamo
Preservation ↓
Mainstreaming Preservation
Sagi Golan & Lucrecia Montemayor
A New Kind of Hospital Room
Alan Waxman
Public Space ↓
New York Hates You: Trump and the Occupation of Fifth Avenue’s Public Space
Katie Lorah
Designing Just Spaces
Ifeoma Ebo
Resiliency ↓
Resiliency and…
Jeremy Siegel
Can We Plan for Tomorrow with Today’s Technology?
Tiffany-Ann Taylor