Claire Weisz believes that the recent disasters reveal the designer’s responsibility to the community around their project site.
“One important trend is that owners and developers are going to alternative energy to ensure continuity of operations and to attract more tenants and buyers. Among the most promising energy types are co-generation and solar power, and the two can be effectively combined for use in lieu of diesel generators, which are less appealing. Another basic strategy is to make the site and buildings more resilient, for example by raising all utilities above the ground and to higher floors. We’re also seeing more use of flood gates on all parking garages below grade, to protect vehicles and people.”
“Reach out and make connections across your communities. Every development should contribute to the civic commons and improve on codes and standards in order to ensure a better future for the next generation. We’re responsible for this and we’ll create better buildings if we design for not only those in the buildings but those outside, too.” – Claire Weisz
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Planning & Building for Severe Weather, Commercial Property Executive