The Urban Design Forum is excited to announce our 2019 Class of Forum Fellows! Our 130 new Fellows are civic leaders shaping dynamic, equitable, and resilient cities around the world. As we build a community of experts wrestling with today’s complex urban challenges, we strive to highlight their creative solutions and exemplary projects across our yearly programming.
Our 2019 Class of Forum Fellows are confronting many urgent issues in New York City, from planning the Lower Manhattan Coastal Resiliency Project to championing City Council’s efforts to develop a citywide comprehensive plan. They are investing in public realm improvements in the Penn District and Hudson Square, and designing a new performing arts venue in Lower Manhattan. They are expanding DOT’s plaza program in the outer boroughs and organizing community resiliency projects in the Rockaways.
Our Fellows are also working in cities around the world from Milan to Montevideo. They are designing a secondary school in Cambodia and one of the world’s largest indoor gardens in Singapore. From cutting-edge research that spatially reconstructs protest movements in Kiev to master-planning an eco-industrial district in a disinvested town upstate, our Fellows’ work is tackling some of the most pressing urban issues here and abroad.
We welcome the 2019 Class of Forum Fellows and look forward to sharing their ideas for the future of the city!
Learn more about becoming a Fellow of the Urban Design Forum.
Meet the 2019 Class of Forum Fellows
Isil Akgul, Designer, Cooper Robertson
Robert Allen, Senior Vice President, HDR
Eva Alligood, Interim Executive Director, LISC NYC
Kamila Altman, Senior Associate, Magnusson Architecture and Planning
Pete Bacevice, Director of Research, HLW
Sara Bayer, Associate Principal, Magnusson Architecture and Planning
Dave Beem, Hines
Samira Behrooz, Director of Programs, Design Trust for Public Space
Zachary Bernstein, Partner, Fried Frank
Nathan Bliss, Vice President, Taconic Investment Partners
Richard Brennan, Partner, HLW
Donna Bridgeman, Senior Landscape Architect, West 8
Stephen Brockman, Partner, Deborah Berke Partners
Douglas Brooks, Project Leader, West 8
Blaine Carmack, Project Engineer, Silman
Tei Carpenter, Agency-Agency
Michael Caton, Architectural Discipline Manager, WeWork
Lindsay Clinton, Executive Vice President, NYC Economic Development Corporation
Angela Co, Director NYC Program, Syracuse University School of Architecture
Russell Crader, Senior Director, Adjaye Associates
Shane Coen, Principal, Coen + Partners
Rick Cook, Founding Parter, COOKFOX
Caroline Craig, Editorial Coordinator, Natural Resources Defense Council
Alexandra Cuber, Director, Fogarty Finger
Julia Day, Associate, Gehl
Lee Devore, Associate Principal, HLW
Mark Dicus, Executive Director, SoHo Broadway Initiative
Rik Ekstrom, Senior Technical Coordinator, HLW
Elizabeth Ernish, Project Administrator, Planning & Development, NYC Department of Parks and Recreation
Robert Finger, Founding Partner, Fogarty Finger
Ana Fisyak, Deputy Director of Planning and Development, Rockaway Initiative for Sustainability & Equity
Chris Fogarty, Founding Partner, Fogarty Finger
Tin Min Fong, Director, Fogarty Finger
Neil Gagliardi, Director of Urban Design, NYC Department of Transportation
Moses Gates, Vice President for Housing and Neighborhood Planning, Regional Plan Association
Adriaan Geuze, Director, West 8
Marco Giardina, Associate Director, Fogarty Finger
Jared Gilbert, Director of Communications, COOKFOX
Americo Gonzalez Aquino, Senior Design Architect, HDR
Tiya Gordon, Managing Director, REX Architecture
Carolyn Grossman Meagher, Director of Regional Planning, NYC Department of City Planning
Leila Hakimizadeh, Supervising Urban Designer, City of San Jose
Meli Harvey, Senior Computational Designer, Cities by We
Elijah Hutchinson, Vice President of Waterfront, NYC Economic Development Corporation
Ruyi Igiehon, Director of Design Technology, HLW
Ijeoma Iheanacho, Senior Project Designer, Urbahn Architects
Asima Jansveld, Vice President of the High Line Network, Friends of the High Line
Chris Jones, Associate Principal, Magnusson Architecture and Planning
Larry Jones, Associate Director, Atelier Ten
Latoya Kamdang, Senior Associate, Moody Nolan
Nicolas Kemper
Brian Ker, Assistant Vice President, Real Estate Transaction Services, NYC Economic Development Corporation
Nico Kienzl, Director, Atelier Ten
Yureeah Kim, Architect, Magnusson Architecture and Planning
Mary Kimball, Senior Resiliency Planner, Arcadis
Vivien Krieger, Member, Cozen O’Connor
Cecilia Kushner, Executive Vice President, NYC Economic Development Corporation
Andrea Lamberti, Partner, Rafael Viñoly Architects
Joshua Langham, Assistant Director, NYC Department of Health & Mental Hygiene
Penny Lee, Director of Planning and Urban Design, Dynamic Star
Priscilla Leung, Architect, West 8
Paul Lozito, Managing Director of Housing, Buyout, and Acquisition, Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery
Frank Mahan, Associate Director, SOM
J. Manuel Mansylla, Principal, Totem
Hannah Marcus, Deputy Director of Land Use Review, NYC Department of City Planning
Elizabeth McEnaney, Executive Director, Sir John Soanes Museum Foundation
Lara Merida, Program Director, NYC Department of City Planning
Zoë Morse, Associate Principal, ZGF Architects
Olivia Moss, Principal, HR&A Advisors
Joe Moyer, Associate Principal, Magnusson Architecture and Planning
Junko Nakagawa, Associate, Atelier Ten
Ankita Nalavade, Assistant Urban Designer, NYC Department of Design and Construction
Michele Neptune, Associate Principal, HLW
Emily Nonko, Freelance Journalist
Tom O’Handley, Director of Development, Cornell Tech
Ashley O’Neill, Director, Fogarty Finger
Alexandra Paty-Diaz, Urban Designer, NYC Department of City Planning
Brian Paul, Senior Project Manager, Land Use Division, NYC Council
Altair Peterson, Head of Design, Success Academy
Nicholas Pettinati, Deputy Director of Urban Design, NYC Department of Transportation
Harshad Pillai, Director, Fogarty Finger
Anthony Piscopia, Senior Project Director of Housing Preservation, Magnusson Architecture and Planning
Lauren Racusin, International Urban Planning and Economic Development Consultant, Bloomberg Associates
James Rausse, Director of Planning and Development, Office of the Bronx Borough President
Darin Reynolds, Partner, COOKFOX
Faith Rose, Principal, O’Neill Rose Architects
Carol E. Rosenthal, Partner, Fried Frank
Frank Ruchala, Director of Zoning, NYC Department of City Planning
Nicolas Ryan, Principal Architect, HDR
Pascale Sablan, Founder, Beyond the Built Environment
Julio Salcedo-Fernandez, Director of Urban Design, Spitzer School of Architecture, CUNY
Brad Samuels, Founding Partner, SITU
Michael Sandler, Director of Neighborhood Planning, NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development
Teresa Santás, Assistant Project Manager, Magnusson Architecture and Planning
Matt Scheer, Director of Communications, Magnusson Architecture and Planning
April Schneider, Associate, Stantec
Ashley Schwemmer, Landscape Architect, West 8
Amy Seek, Associate, Stantec
Rachel Simpson, Senior Associate, Magnusson Architecture and Planning
Amy Shell, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Common Projects Newburgh
Brett Sherman, Principal, Stantec
Ed Shim, Principal, HLW
Ian Sinclair, Senior Urban Designer, NYC Department of Housing and Development
Laura Singh, Senior Planning, Neighborhood Strategies, NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development
Hayes Slade, Principal, Slade Architecture
Theo Smith, Associate Director, Fogarty Finger
Thomas Smith, Senior Program Manager for Neighborhood Studies and Special Projects, NYC Department of City Planning
Katherine Speidel, Project Design Architect, HDR
Marian Starr Imperatore, Independent Consultant
Jen Stencel, Associate Principal, Magnusson Architecture and Planning
Christopher Stienon, Senior Planning and Urban Design Director, Stantec
Jacquelyn Stinson, Architect, Magnusson Architecture and Planning
Alexandra Sutherland-Brown, Director, Karp Strategies
Simon Sylvester-Chaudhuri, Co-Founder and Executive Director, CIV:LAB
Kats Tamanaha, Pratt Institute
Adam Tanaka, Senior Analyst, HR&A Advisors
Michael Tegnell, Director of Landscape Architecture, HLW
Lisa Thide, Marketing Director, Fogarty Finger
Mark Thomann, Director, wHY
Sera Tolgay, Urban Designer, WSP
Mat Triebner, Associate Principal, HLW
Shanta Tucker, Director, Atelier Ten
Daniel Vasini, Creative Director, West 8
Iris Wang, Assistant Project Manager, Magnusson Architecture and Planning
Emily Weidenhof, Director of Public Space, NYC Department of Transportation
Renae Widdison, Director of Land Use and Planning, New York City Council, District 38
Elissa Winzelberg, Director, Design and Construction, Breaking Ground
Jessica Wolf, Senior Wayfinding Designer, Arup
Jennifer Yang, Project Manager, Magnusson Architecture and Planning
Meejin Yoon, Principal, Höweler + Yoon Architecture LLP
Christina Zamarripa, PR Director, Fogarty Finger
Jie Zhu, Associate Principal, HLW
Our Company & Agency Members
In 2019, the Forum welcomed ten new firms to our Company Membership Program. To learn more about getting your company or agency involved, please contact Daniel McPhee, Executive Director, daniel@urbandesignforum.org.
Adjaye Associates
Atelier Ten
Deborah Berke Partners
Fogarty Finger
Magnusson Architecture and Planning
Thornton Tomasetti, Inc.
Woods Bagot
West 8