February 21st, 2017
6:00pm - 8:30pm
26 Norman Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Nolan is a transportation planner with a passion for cities, sustainable transportation, and livable communities. At NYCDOT’s Pedestrian Projects Group, he designs and manages the implementation of projects that improve multimodal safety and quality of life throughout New York City. He received a Master of Urban Planning at NYU’s Wagner Graduate School of Public Service and a B.A. in Geography and Urban Studies at Macalester College.

Working at the intersection of the public and private sectors, Erin leverages her experience with urban planning, economics, and real estate to contribute to the vitality of cities and the public realm. Her work includes leveraging transit plans for economic growth and dense, resilient development, creating open space programming and revenue generation strategies, and developing large-scale master plans that will have critical economic and fiscal benefits.

Sabina is Head of Research Cities at BuroHappold Engineering where she works on projects related to housing, smart urban development, and urban resilience. Previously, she worked in academic and client-based research positions in Zurich, Berlin, and London. She has a PhD in Urban Planning from the London School of Economics.

Daniel currently works as a Studio Director for West 8 New York. With a multidisciplinary approach to design, Daniel has led internationally recognized projects, shifting scales from strategic master plans to transformative park designs and the creation of iconic public spaces, which accommodate 21st Century infrastructure needs and address the challenges of urbanization.

Corinne is the Director of Policy and Special Projects at NACTO, the National Association of City Transportation Officials. In this role, she facilitates networks of peer cities working to build safe, sustainable transportation systems and active cities through better street design and transportation policy. Corinne holds a Master of Urban Planning from the University of Michigan and a Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service from Georgetown University.

Tiffany is an Urban Planner with experience in transportation and economic development. Through her experience in and around New York City, she has had the opportunity to take part in complex but transformative projects. Tiffany holds a Masters degree in City & Regional Planning from Pratt Institute.

Miriam is a designer, entrepreneur and urban strategist. She is the co-founder of UrbanField and part of the co-founding team of Deeds by The Social Coin. She previously worked at MIT Senseble City Lab and at the Office for Metropolitan Architecture. She has architecture degrees from Cornell and Harvard Universities.
On February 21, six Forefront Fellows presented their own transit-based projects for feedback and discussion.
The event took place at URBAN-X, a new civic tech accelerator from MINI and SOSV. URBAN-X invests in startups who are focused on intelligent cities, urban hyper-growth, and society-scale challenges. Four members of the URBAN-X cohort gave flash pitches of new tech solutions to our Fellows and participated in our roundtable conversation.
Nolan Levenson, NYC Department of Transportation
Urban Design in the Vision Zero Era
Erin Lonoff, HR&A Advisors
Heart of the City: Open Space Redesign
Sabina Uffer, Buro Happold
Solving the Problem of Commercial Waster in NYC
Daniel Vasini, West8
Public Space Development in the 21st Century: Think outside Boundary!
Corinne Kisner, National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO)
Introduction to NACTO’s Urban Street Stormwater Guide
Tiffany-Ann Taylor, NYC Economic Development Corporation
BQX: Challenges to Infrastructure, Challenges from Infrastructure