May 17th, 2022
4:00pm - 6:00pm

Laura Montross is the Director of Communications at Brookfield Properties.

A Director at SOM New York, Kim Van Holsbeke has been with the firm for nearly two decades. His most recent work includes headquarters projects in Mexico, Saudi Arabia, and the United States including BBVA Operations Center in Mexico City and Jarir Headquarters in Riyadh. He is experienced in both new construction and renovation work. While much of Van Holsbeke’s experience is oriented around the design of headquarters and commercial office buildings, he has also worked on important master plans, including Cuadrante Polanco, a 10-million-square-foot mixed-use “live-work-play” development in Mexico City and the Manhattan West development, a 5 million-square-foot urban redevelopment project on the previously underdeveloped Far West Side of Manhattan. His recent residential experience includes 91 Leonard Street in New York, a boutique luxury condominium in New York’s Tribeca neighborhood, The Eugene in New York’s Manhattan West Development, Lago Zurich, Lago Andromaco and Moliere 46 in Mexico City as part of the Cuadrante Polanco Masterplan.
Join us for a tour and cocktails at Manhattan West with Laura Montross of Brookfield Properties and Kim Van Holsbeke of SOM.
Manhattan West weaves together the communities of Manhattan’s West Side with new restaurants, public space, arts and entertainment. The area will feed into the planned pedestrian bridge over Tenth Avenue, connecting the development to Penn Station, the High Line, and the Far West Side.
We will begin with a discussion on Manhattan West with Laura Montross of Brookfield Properties, and Kim Van Holsbeke of SOM. We will then visit the 1 Manhattan West terrace, embark on a hard hat tour of 2 Manhattan West, and conclude with drinks and conversation in the plaza below.
Guest & Safety Policies ↓
Urban Design Forum promotes conversations between invited civic leaders, designers, developers, and advocates. This event is open to Forum Fellows and their guests.
To secure a safe environment, we will ask for guests to provide proof of vaccination and to wear masks while not eating or drinking.
Continuing Education Credits ↓
Urban Design Forum is now an AIA CES provider. If there are other continuing education credits you are interested in receiving from the Urban Design Forum, please contact Miranda Bellizia, Director of Member Engagement, miranda@urbandesignforum.org. This program is AIA CES approved.