October 22nd, 2016
3:00pm - 4:00pm
Lowline Lab
140 Essex Street, New York, NY, United States

Justin manages and serves as a critical community liaison at the Lowline Lab. A Lower East Side native, Justin has been the Site Manager since the Lab's opening and is incredibly knowledgeable on the horticulture, technology and the project's scope overall.
The Lowline is a plan to use innovative solar technology to illuminate an historic trolley terminal on the Lower East Side of New York City. The team behind the Lowline aims to build a new kind of public space— one that highlights the historic elements of a former trolley terminal while introducing cutting-edge solar technology and design, enabling plants and trees to grow underground.
Join our Forefront Fellows for a tour of the Lowline Lab, a long-term open laboratory and technical exhibit designed to test and showcase how the Lowline will grow and sustain plants underground. The Lab includes a series of controlled experiments in an environment mimicking the actual Lowline site.
The Lowline Lab landscape, designed by Signe Nielsen of Mathews Nielsen and built by John Mini Distinctive Landscapes, is composed of over 3,000 plants and dozens of unique varieties, spread across 1,000 square feet. The Lab gives us the opportunity to study plant life in the same type of environment as the future Lowline, and will help determine which types of plants will grow best underground.
Space is extremely limited! RSVP for this Event