September 27th, 2023
3:00pm - 5:00pm
East Midtown Greenway
New York, NY, USA

Gentry Lock is a principal landscape architect at Stantec. With over 15 years of experience in landscape architecture and urban design practice, Gentry’s projects bring communities together in dense urban cities, enhance social sustainability, and create more livable neighborhoods. Her ability to collaborate successfully with public agencies is evident in the major projects she has led, among them the East Midtown Greenway project, Parachute Way Plaza in Coney Island, and the Governor’s Island Slide Hill.

Ankita Nalavade is a Project Director at the NYC Economic Development Corporation. She manages all aspects of design and construction for a variety of project types including waterfront development, buildings, major infrastructure, and public open spaces in New York City. Nalavade's experience working in Mumbai, India, and New York City, along with her combination of architecture and infrastructure skills, help her paint a holistic picture of the urban built environment. She also serves on EDC's Sustainability and Green Economy committees.

Amy Seek is a design director at Stantec. Amy helps to develop the landscape vision for multi-disciplinary projects from waterfronts to urban parks. With over a decade of experience, she’s passionate about the contribution public space can make to urban quality of life, city identity, urban habitat, and resilience. Trained as an architect and a musician, Amy brings design rigor and spatial refinement to her practice, aspiring toward rational, integrated solutions that follow from analysis.

Donna Walcavage is a principal landscape architect at Stantec. Her belief that designing truly resilient cities requires a broad, landscape-scale vision is evident in all her projects, whether a streetscape, urban waterfront redevelopment, public open space, bikeway or pedestrian facility. Donna is dedicated to ensuring that community groups and public agencies play a critical role in her projects, in addition to collaborating with artists to make art an integral component of Stantec’s projects.
Join us for a tour of the East Midtown Greenway with Stantec and the NYC Economic Development Corporation.
East Midtown has long been cut off from the East River waterfront by FDR Drive and has some of the least park space per capita in Manhattan. After six years in the making, the East Midtown Greenway will connect a major gap in the Manhattan Waterfront Greenway, from East 38th to East 61st Streets, when it opens later this year. The project will create 1.5 acres of new land for the East Midtown community with a new public park, bike path and walkways.
We will begin with a tour of the esplanade with Gentry Lock, Donna Walcavage and Amy Seek from Stantec, and Ankita Nalavade from NYC EDC. We then invite you to join us at a casual reception to continue the conversation.
How can innovative coastline corridors address the need for public space and coastal resiliency?
Due to inclement weather, this event was postponed from June. If you RSVP’d but can no longer attend, please email us at rsvp@urbandesignforum.org.
Guest & Accessibility Policies
Urban Design Forum promotes conversations between invited civic leaders, designers, developers, and advocates. This event is open to Forum Fellows. Due to limited venue capacity, we can not accomodate any guests.
We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals to engage fully:
- The venue is an active construction site and may include walking up and down stairs. Closed-toed shoes are required.
- This event will offer amplified sound.
- If you’re not feeling well, please stay home. Face masks are encouraged, particularly if you have been recently exposed to colds, flus, or other illness. If you have been exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 10 days, a high-quality, well-fitting face covering is required at all times.
- Please refrain from wearing strong fragrances to accommodate guests with allergies or environmental sensitivities.
- If you have additional needs, we will do our best to accommodate. Please let us know at rsvp@urbandesignforum.org.
Continuing Education
Urban Design Forum is now an AIA CES provider. If there are other continuing education credits you are interested in receiving, please contact Miranda Bellizia, Director of Member Engagement, miranda@urbandesignforum.org. This program has been submitted for 1 AIA CE LU.