Conversations with the Candidates: Zellnor Myrie (New Date)

April 3rd, 2025
8:30am - 10:30am
60 Madison Avenue 4th floor, New York, NY, USA

Zellnor Myrie is running for New York City Mayor. He has served in the New York State Senate since 2019, representing the 20th state senate district, which includes parts of Brooklyn. Since joining the Senate in 2019, Senator Myrie has served in leadership roles and won several major legislative victories, including New York’s strongest affordable housing and tenant protection laws in generations along with sweeping reforms to New York’s criminal legal system.
In 2021, as a rise in gun violence swept through communities of color across the state and the country, Senator Myrie wrote the nation’s first state gun industry liability law, taking aim at irresponsible dealers and manufacturers whose dangerous weapons end up on our streets. As Chair of the Elections Committee, Senator Myrie presided over historic election reforms including early voting, closing the LLC loophole, and simplifying the absentee ballot process. In 2021, he held voter-focused hearings across the state on improving election administration and protecting voting rights, and issued a landmark report containing over 50 recommendations to reform New York’s elections. He is the author of the John R. Lewis New York Voting Rights Act, which has been hailed as the strongest voting rights law in any state in the country.
Note: This event has been rescheduled from Wednesday, March 12th to Thursday, April 3rd.
Join us for a conversation with mayoral candidate Zellnor Myrie.
As New York City prepares for the 2025 mayoral election, Urban Design Forum is hosting a series of conversations with leading candidates to explore bold ideas for the city’s future.
During this session, Zellnor Myrie will join our community of Fellows to discuss the priorities outlined in Vision for a Better City, our forthcoming Fellow-led platform of actionable ideas to shape New York City’s built environment.
Urban Design Forum is inviting all leading candidates for NYC mayor to engage with our Fellows and contribute to this critical dialogue about New York’s future.
Important Election Deadlines
Primary Election: June 24, 2025
Last day to register online or by mail is June 14, 2025.
Only voters registered with a party may vote in that party’s Primary Election. Learn more at VOTE.NYC.
General Election: November 4, 2025
Last day to register online or by mail is October 25, 2025.
For information on how to vote in the New York City Primary and General Election, visit VOTE.NYC. For information on ranked choice voting, visit NYC VOTES.
Guest & Accessibility Policies
Urban Design Forum promotes conversations between invited civic leaders, designers, developers, and advocates. These events are open to Forum Fellows and their guests.
We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals to engage fully.
- The venue’s entrance, lobby, elevators, office and restroom facilities are ADA-accessible.
- This event will have microphones and a speaker.
- If you’re not feeling well, please stay home. Face masks are encouraged, particularly if you have been recently exposed to colds, flus, or other illness. If you have been exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 10 days, a high-quality, well-fitting face covering is required at all times.
- Please refrain from wearing strong fragrances to accommodate guests with allergies or environmental sensitivities.
- If you have additional needs, we will do our best to accommodate. Please contact rsvp@urbandesignforum.org.
About Public Works
Public Works is a discussion series to drive civic dialogue around new and forthcoming built environment projects in New York City. Throughout the year, we invite government officials and private sector leaders to present design and development initiatives that shape the public good. Our goal is to create an open and collegial venue for deeper conversation between the public sector and our network of civic leaders building, caring for, and maintaining our city.
Support Our Work
Public Works is made possible through the support of our Board of Directors, Director’s Circle, Company Members, and our Campaign for Courageous Leadership, and company and individual members. Our programs are made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.
To learn more about supporting Public Works, please contact Miranda Bellizia, miranda@urbandesignforum.org.