April 13th, 2020
8:00pm - 9:00pm
via Zoom

Jeremy is co-director of global health at the National University of Singapore (NUS) Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health where he works to enhance cooperation, capacity building and knowledge sharing across the region. He is concurrently the co-founder and CEO of AMILI, the first dedicated gut microbiome full service company in Southeast Asia. Jeremy has worked in executive roles in both public and private sectors, including time spent as a senior official in the Ministry of Health, Singapore and was prior to AMILI, founding partner of global consultancy Oliver Wyman’s Asia health and life sciences practice (2013). He is a regular commentator on health issues in the region and in 2013 authored Myth or Magic: The Singapore Healthcare System.
On April 13, join us for an evening discussion with Dr. Jeremy Lim on how Singapore is adapting public space and housing in response to Covid-19.
While New York City works to contain the spread of coronavirus, the Urban Design Forum is developing a discussion series interrogating how the pandemic will impact urban systems and society. For our second discussion, we are welcoming public health expert Dr. Jeremy Lim with the support of the Centre for Liveable Cities (CLC) in Singapore.
Learning from extensive epidemic response preparations made in the wake of the 2003 SARS outbreak, Singapore has aggressively responded to the novel coronavirus since the beginning of this year. The city has kept infection rates low through contact tracing technologies and comprehensive quarantine regulations that have repurposed hotels and dormitories to isolate affected populations. The Urban Design Forum’s Executive Director Daniel McPhee will join Jeremy to discuss: How is Singapore providing safe housing and reimagining public space for residents during the public health crisis?
This video discussion will take place at 8:00pm EDT. Login details for Zoom will be emailed to registrants in advance of the conversation.
Guest Policy ↓
The Urban Design Forum promotes conversation between invited civic leaders, designers, developers and advocates. Forum Fellows are welcome to invite an additional guests to participate.
About This Program ↓
This program is made possible through the support of our Director’s Circle and Fellows. In this difficult moment, your support and ideas are more important than ever. To learn more about contributing toward our nascent effort, please contact Daniel McPhee, Executive Director, daniel@urbandesignforum.org.
Image Credit: Roslan Rahman AFP/Getty Images