May 19th, 2020
12:30pm - 1:30pm
via Zoom

Jean-Louis Missika is a member of the Council of Paris and Deputy Mayor in charge of town planning, architecture, the Greater Paris projects, economic development and attractiveness. He led Réinventer Paris, one of the world's largest and most ambitious competitions for urban designers to propose innovative solutions for underutilized sites. From 2008-2014, he served as Deputy to Mayor Bertrand Delanoë, focusing on innovation, research and universities.

Janette Sadik-Khan is Principal at Bloomberg Associates. She previously served as Commissioner of the New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT) from 2007-2013, where she implemented an ambitious program to improve safety, mobility and sustainability, and ensure a state of good repair on the city’s roads, bridges and ferries. At Bloomberg Associates, she works with mayors around the world to reimagine and redesign their cities with innovative projects that can be developed quickly and inexpensively. She is also chair of the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO), an organization of 81 major North American Cities and transit agencies, and is on the Board of Directors for both the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) and the Regional Plan Association (RPA).
On May 19, join us for a lunchtime discussion with Deputy Mayor Jean-Louis Missika and Janette Sadik-Khan on how Paris is adapting streets in response to Covid-19.
As Paris reopens, the city is rolling out 50km of new cycleways connecting the urban core with the larger metropolitan region. Building upon Mayor Hidalgo’s pre-pandemic vision to dramatically reduce car use within the city, closing major streets for bicycle and pedestrian mobility will enable social distancing and alternative patterns of commuting. In addition, Deputy Mayor Missika is convening designers and public officials to craft new wayfinding for public spaces and regulations for safe outdoor dining.
For our fourth City Life After Coronavirus global dialogue, UDF President Jamie von Klemperer will join Ms. Sadik-Khan and Deputy Mayor Missika to discuss: How is Paris transforming its public realm in the coming months to become a healthier city?
This video discussion will take place at 12:30pm EDT. Login details for Zoom will be emailed to registrants in advance of the conversation.
Guest Policy ↓
The Urban Design Forum promotes conversation between invited civic leaders, designers, developers and advocates. Our digital programming in the City Life After Coronavirus series is open to the general public. Forum Fellows are encouraged to invite additional guests to participate. Learn more about becoming a Forum Fellow.
About This Program ↓
This program is made possible through the support of our Director’s Circle and Fellows. In this difficult moment, your support and ideas are more important than ever. To learn more about contributing toward our nascent effort, please contact Daniel McPhee, Executive Director, daniel@urbandesignforum.org.
Image Credit: City of Paris/Anne Hidalgo