Poor Street Design, A Hazard to Pedestrians

Ken Greenberg says that poor street design, not rain, is causing the increase in pedestrian injuries in Toronto.

“Make crosswalks more visible in terms of colours, markings and materials used. This way, it would be easier for drivers to see pedestrians in and around them, in any kind of weather.”

“Under the Highway Traffic Act, you’re not supposed to step out into the intersection when the countdown is flashing, which Greenberg said is impossible in many spots unless ‘you’re sprinting and you’re an agile 25-year-old.’ New York City, he noted, has already scrapped this law, as many drivers were using it as a way to defend themselves as having the right of way in court after hitting pedestrians in intersections. If Toronto did the same it would give pedestrians more time to safely cross, he said.”

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Read more: Woman Hit In Toronto’s Little Italy Dies of Injuries, Toronto Metro

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